I remember those trips as if they were yesterday. Pile all 3 kids in the simulated wood grain Chevy Caprice Estate Station Wagon. All three in car seats, and head out West - Colorodo to California. I know, to most Americans Colorado IS the West. California was something else altogether, hopefully about to break off and drift into the Pacific. Anyway, the trip was about a 1,000 miles. Two long days of driving, only made possible with heavy doses of Benadryl for the kids...and my wife (just kidding on the wife part. She kept me awake and the kids manageable). I am on track to ride my bike that far in January. Yes, in January, when it is cold as a witch's you know what what here in California, like 40 degrees! Yes, we are pretty wimpy. My friends in the Rockies, "cycling country" haven't been able to ride for months. Talk about cold!
Why on earth do I ride my bike that far? I want to be the best. I do not want to look back, after RAAM, and wish I had trained harder, prepared better, ridden more miles. For me, being the best is not at all about being better than the next guy, although I would love to crush Team Type 1. It is all about me being at my peak.
What happens in June depends 100% on what happens today. How well I eat, how wisely I train, practicing yoga with diligence, getting plenty of sleep and doing that brutal Cyclo-Core workout twice a week are the keys.
It's the same with how I choose to think. I will attract what I expect. If my thoughts are focused on what I want to achieve, what I want to see manifested in my life, who I want to spend time with, how I want my life to feel, that is what will come my way. I have spent months visualizing the incredible ability to climb a hill with great power, ease and speed - off my saddle, driving my legs through the pedals and getting stronger and faster as the hill steepens and seeks to destroy me. Now, I conquer the hill. I picture climbing Wolf Creek Pass.
How do they say it? "A journey of a thousand miles means emabarking on a journey of a thousand miles," of something like that.
In 2007, my goal is to ride 10,000 miles. 27.5 miles per day.
Pick a ridiculous goal. Then please do it, so it won't be ridiculous anymore.
PS - Next...hear all about the new super action hero, Captain Zero!